
Tradition Precision Innovation

Fuel and Lubrication Oil Market

Automated Tank Truck Manifold Systems

Concept of reliable product management and loss control for tank truck fuel deliveries

Excellent manifolds play a key role in product contamination prevention, loss control and efficiency.

Alfons Haar offers factory pre-assembled manifolds which are commonly fully automated through a single PreciBUS cable which eliminates any requirement for junction boxes or other electrical connections.

Conceptual benefits

  • Extremely simple driver handling
  • Multiple delivery operations in parallel without jumper hoses for increased efficiencies and risk reduction
    • Multi-product delivery in parallel for direct delivery by gravity
    • Standalone or simultaneously pumped delivery (bulk or wet hose operation)

Alfons Haar core differential advantage

Alfons Haar recommends the COP extension DTMQ (WELMEC, paper 10.2, data transfer of measured quantities) which fundamentally enables infrastructures with accurate volume data transfer starting at the loading terminal via API couplings. Utilisation of the data enables automatic inventory data entry into the delivery system controller and real-time meter versus inventory verifications.

Managed by PreciCONTROLand combinable withPreciTURBO, PreciPUREand PreciMAmetering solutions.