
Tradition Precision Innovation

Fuel and Lubrication Oil Market

PreciMA PD meter based wet and dry hose (bulk) delivery systems

PreciMA tank truck delivery systems are designed for applications requiring accurate or by weight and measures regulated metering of petroleum products.

Alfons Haaar PreciMA based delivery systems represent a most trustful "cash register" for tank truck fleet operators.

The proven Alfons Haar vane type positive displacement meter technology provides outstanding low meter slippage for excellent measurement stability over a wide measurement range, gas bubble sensory for a measurement reliability and two-stage flow rate controlling shut-off valves enabling system depending flow ranges from 50 l/min to 1,000 l/min.

Nominal system size starting at DN 50 (2”) upwards with nominal pressure rating PN 10 (10 bar).

Typical PreciMA metering applications:

  • Pumped tank truck discharge
  • Wet hose and dry hose delivery
  • Metering of Gasoline’s, Diesel Fuels, Heating Fuels (Kero, Gas Oil), Jet Fuel (Jet, Kerosene, AVGAS) and system dependent also higher viscosities such as Lubes

Examples of optional system features:

PreciMA PD measurement systems with PreciCONTROL, typical tank truck applications:

PreciMA C 490 PD meter based wet hose delivery systems

Domestic tank truck fuel supply with hose reel only delivery, PreciMA C 490 - the smallest metering system for up to 500 l/min

PreciMA C 800 E PD meter based wet and dry hose (bulk) delivery systems

Domestic and industrial tank truck fuel supply with hose reel and bulk delivery, the mid sized PreciMA C 800 E - measuring system for up to 800 l/min
PreciMA C 800 E has been awarded twice, on the XVIII. International Fair Petrol Station in Warsaw as " Product fo the Year" and the " Gran Prix TDT - Transportation Technical Supervision"

PreciMA C 1000 E PD meter based wet and dry hose (bulk) delivery systems

Domestic, industrial and service station tank truck supply chain for hose reel and bulk delivery, PreciMA C 1000 E - measuring system for up to 1,000 l/min

PreciMA and MKA PD meter based delivery systems

Metering systems available with mechanical or conventional electronical meter head:

The PreciMA 500 is suitable for light fuels, diesel and bio fuel oil or engine lube oils ranging from 1 to 500 mPas

PreciMA 500 for 500 l/min

PreciMA 500 for 500 l/min (bio and lube oil application) 

PreciMA 700 for up to 700 l/min 

Overview of all available PD vane type meters for aviation refuelling and measuring of industrial liquids.

MKA 300, 800, 2290, 3350