
Tradition Precision Innovation

Fuel and Lubrication Oil Market

Crossover Prevention

It must be ensured for petrol transport that the right product is delivered from the loading gantry to the correct fuel tank at the petrol station. That's the responsibility of the cross- over prevention.

While bottom loading, the product data is electronically transferred to the COP computer of the tank truck. Remaining quantities in the compartments are specified ahead of time. This rules out loading the incorrect compartment or with the wrong product.

When delivering to the petrol station tank, only filling the correct tank is possible, and at the same time, the correct connection of the vapour recovery hose can be monitored and the correct assignment for overfill prevention can be ensured according to EN 13616.

 Leaflet for COP


Theft monitoring SPDS (Sealed Parcel Delivery System)

Integration of measured deliveries DTMQ (Devices for Transferring Measured Quantites)